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Due to the lag in the server, we will be moving the server to a new location.

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RTCW Master Server Is back!! Smile


 [Forum Update] "Votes" and "Chat about RTCW" > Removed

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[Forum Update] "Votes" and "Chat about RTCW" > Removed Empty
PostSubject: [Forum Update] "Votes" and "Chat about RTCW" > Removed   [Forum Update] "Votes" and "Chat about RTCW" > Removed Icon_minitime19/05/10, 03:33 pm

- The "Votes" forum section under "General" category removed.
- The "Chat about RTCW" forum section under "RTW" category removed.
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[Forum Update] "Votes" and "Chat about RTCW" > Removed
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